New Crowns for Damaged Teeth

If you have severely damaged or discolored teeth, visit Rogers Family Dental for crowns in Orem, UT. Dr. Robert Rogers and Dr. Brad Rogers will use their professional expertise to repair your smile.

What Is A Dental Crown?

A dental crown is a restoration that caps a tooth. It fully encases the visible surface of a tooth to restore its shape, size, strength, and appearance. Crowns are durable and hold up well against chewing forces, allowing you to eat your favorite foods without worry.

Crowns can be made from different materials, such as porcelain shells on metal caps, acrylic, ceramic, or gold.

When Will I Need A Crown?

Our staff recommends a dental crown if your tooth has become very weakened or decayed. Crowns also attach bridges, cover root canal work, or fix severe cavity damage.

When you come into our office in Orem, UT, for crowns, we will ensure that your teeth are healthy enough for the restoration. Crowns are an excellent way to restore strength, function, and beauty to damaged teeth.

After taking a mold of your tooth, our team will begin designing the new crown. We will send the tooth impression off to a lab. This process will take a week or two, but we will fit you with a temporary crown in the meantime.

Once we receive the finished crown from the lab, we will apply it to your tooth and adjust it until it feels just right. When you come back for your next appointment, we will ensure that your bite is ideal and then bond it into place with a special adhesive.

How Does A Dental Bridge Work?

A bridge can replace one or more missing teeth. A bridge replaces the gaps in your smile by connecting artificial crowns, normally on each side of the gap, to natural teeth. This holds them in place and restores your smile.

How To Care For Your Crowns

Please take care of your crowns by brushing and flossing regularly. Remember to keep up your regular six-month visits to our office. Don't use your restored teeth as an excuse to chew on hard objects or eat tough foods that could damage your teeth. If you need a tool to open something, don't use your natural or restored teeth. Doing so will easily damage them.

Visit Rogers Family Dental for crowns in Orem, UT. Drs. Rogers both provide expert care to help restore damaged or missing teeth. We can help you achieve a new smile in no time. Call us at (801) 225-7712 for a consultation today.

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8:00 am-5:00 pm


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8:00 am-5:00 pm



